Samays Innovaciones
From dream to reality just one step
about us
Samays Innovaciones with more than 10 years of experience in ​​renewable energy is a company strongly committed with sustainable green energy.
Our R&D department is always seeking for new products and applications, achieved goals including Patents granted of a new form of generating electricity from temperature, humidity and wind at low cost compared to wind and energy solar. It will be able to supply energy to that part of the earth's surface where more than 90% of people live.
Samays participated in the development of simulation platform for electrical energy systems that allows creating custom simulators for a generation system with good stochastic models developed to model wind and solar energy. These models achieve an adequate representation of them both in the long term (Investment planning) and in the short term (System operation).
For many years Samays made OQ/PV and maintenance for liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry equipment in the area of pharmaceutical and alimentary Industry, with a long experience in this area of more than 20 years.
In the Biomedical Samays continues with the brand Samay ( since 1996) of making equipment for investigation and clinical use. The last project in development incorporate high performance computer in ICU for detection of asynchronies between patient and ventilators.
future of energy
Imagine the possibility of generating electricity from the air around us without moving parts and the advantage of dispose of energy 24/7. Well, Samays invented the Molecular Mill (MM) that allows flexibility in ways that apart from the reduced space required (a " footprint " one tenth the size of a corresponding wind turbine), allows a diversity of designs far more aesthetically appealing than alternative technologies, and are especially suitable for diverse architectural applications. The MM technology allows "a fine control" of the power generated over the full 24 hour cycle, much reducing the need for batteries and allowing the user to live “off the grid" much more cheaply than solar or wind power. This makes MM ideal for rural energy.
The great breakthrough of the MM technology is being able to capture energy from the air around moving cars, thus extending the range of electric and hybrid cars and vehicles using renewable energy. Add the fact that the MM generator is small and lightweight, and can be placed "under the hood" means that there is virtually no change in the aerodynamic efficiency of the vehicle, or offsetting weight gain that would increase normal consumption.
MM will allow electric vehicles to be driven 30% further between charges.